School of Applied Sciences -

Aviation Management

 Students of the School of Applied Sciences Aviation Management are at the Aviation Museum

Within the scope of the “Aviation Museum event” organized by Istanbul Gelisim University the School of Applied Sciences the Department of Aviation Management, IGU Aviation Management 1st grade students had the opportunity to see the application areas of theoretical knowledge they take at their lectures and concrete examples of aviation history.

The aviation museum trip was very interesting for our students as a motivating trip in the sectoral context. The Aviation Museum, which is held regularly every year, was conducted in the 2019-2020 Academic Year to accelerate the orientation of the new Aviation Management students.

Head of Department of Aviation Management Prof. Dr. Osman Ergüven Vatandaş said: With this kind of activities, interest of our students in the field has being increased and aviation cultures improves. In this activity, we met with great interest from our students and we aim to keep the motivation of our students at the highest level along with other activities to be held during the semester.”
