School of Applied Sciences -

Aviation Management

 The event on Airplane Accidents and Case Studies was organized

The event on Airplane Accidents and Case Studies was held by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) the School of Applied Sciences the Department of Aviation Management.

Captain Pilot Murat Erkan Noyan was invited to the event, which took place in the Taşkent Hall, upon the examination of aircraft accidents. Captain Pilot Murat Erkan Noyan told how airplane accidents should be examined, business ethics and how the aviation sector in Turkey have developed. Noyan pointed out the reasons of the aviation accidents in Turkey from the past to the present. Noyan stated the most common reasons of airplane accidents. He emphasized the importance of case studies.
At the end of the event, a plaque was presented to Captain Pilot Murat Erkan Noyan by the Aircraft Mechanic-Engine Maintenance and Aviation Management Departments.